Monday 30 September 2024

Reflecting on "Limbo" and Anticipating the Sequel

As the year gracefully draws to a close, let’s not forget the exciting arrival of the second book in my 'Limbo' series, set to enchant readers on December 13th. Since the release of the first edition of "Limbo," many of you have reached out with questions about my characters, the book's concept, my inspirations, and much more. So, I thought I’d take a moment to answer some of these questions in this blog post, while also giving a little promo for the sequel.


What inspired you to write "Limbo" in the first place?

The inspiration for "Limbo" blossomed from a blend of personal experiences and my deep love for fantasy and suspense. I longed to create a world where the ordinary intertwines with the extraordinary, a realm where readers could immerse themselves in the mysteries and magic of Limbo.

The passing of my Grandad Dennis marked the first time I truly felt the weight of grief. Years earlier, I had lost a friend from high school, which affected me, but I was too immature at the time to fully comprehend grief. His death made me panic about my own mortality, if that makes any sense.

The grief from my grandad’s passing sent me spiralling into thoughts about what happens after death, causing immense worry and panic, and leaving me feeling utterly lost. I was, and still am, worried that there might be nothing after death. This existential dread consumed me for a while, but then something peculiar happened. I remember it vividly – 9th May 2023 at 00:45 am. I was getting ready for bed, having just put my e-cig on charge, when suddenly, the entire story of "Limbo" played out in my mind like a film. I saw the characters vividly, their mannerisms, their clothes, every detail down to the last fibre. I quickly grabbed my phone and jotted down the entire plot, and that’s when "Limbo" came to life.


Can you tell us a bit about the main characters in "Limbo" and what makes them unique?

In "Limbo," we meet Chase Lawson Miller, a 15-year-old boy enduring the harsh realities of bullying and domestic abuse at the hands of his father, brother, and his brother's friend. His mother, a silent witness to this torment, adds another layer of complexity to his life. 

My Grandmother, Edith Payne, reading 'Limbo'

Alongside Chase is Ashleigh Anne Wilson, known as Ash, also 15, whose soul is condemned to wander Limbo for eternity after her tragic suicide. Both characters grapple with severe anxiety and depression, making their journeys deeply poignant and relatable. Their struggles with mental health issues add a raw, emotional depth to the narrative, making them uniquely compelling.


How did you come up with the concept for the world of Limbo?

The concept for Limbo blossomed from my fascination with parallel worlds and the unseen forces lurking just beyond our perception. After my Grandad’s passing, I found myself spiralling and pondering these hidden realms. I wanted to craft a place that felt both familiar and fantastical, where every twist and turn held a new mystery. Limbo, in my book, isn't purely good or evil; it’s a balanced realm inspired by the tales of Heaven and Hell I grew up with. Hearing stories of Limbo and lost souls with unfinished business sparked my imagination, but I aimed to shift the narrative, creating a world where anything is possible and every soul has a unique story to tell.


Were there any particular challenges you faced while writing the first book?

Writing the first book was a journey fraught with challenges, from developing the plot to fleshing out the characters to perfection. Envisioning them in my head was one thing, but translating that vision onto paper was quite another. It’s like knowing exactly what you want to say but struggling to find the right words. It was a battle, but I managed to get there in the end, I suppose. 

One significant hurdle was ensuring that the world of Limbo felt cohesive and believable, despite its fantastical elements. I had a clear vision of how dark and twisted I wanted Limbo to be, but I needed to tread carefully, especially when dealing with sensitive topics. 

The biggest challenge, however, was protecting my mental health. I've always been open about my struggles with anxiety and depression, and some of the topics I wrote about were personal experiences. Revisiting these painful memories to write about them reopened wounds I’d rather have left closed. But they’re important subjects that need to be discussed, so I soldiered on.


How do you feel now that "Limbo" has been published and received by readers?

The first time I opened my parcel and held my book in my hands was indescribable. Imagine longing for something for so long, working tirelessly towards it, and then finally achieving it –
nothing can top that feeling. I broke down in tears, laughing and crying simultaneously, with my mum laughing at me while also comforting me. It was a strange but beautiful moment.

Seeing "Limbo" published and receiving feedback from readers has been incredibly rewarding. It's a wonderful feeling to know that others are enjoying the story and connecting with the characters.


Are there any specific authors or books that influenced your writing style?

My writing style has been influenced by a delightful blend of authors. J.K. Rowling's enchanting world-building and rich character development have always been a source of inspiration. Stephen King's mastery of suspense and storytelling keeps me on the edge of my seat, and Jacqueline Wilson's sensitive handling of delicate topics with respect and understanding has deeply impacted me. Their unique works truly captivated me and drew me into the beautiful world of writing. 

My Grandfather, David Goulding, reading Limbo. 


What can readers expect from the upcoming second book in the series?

The second book in the series delves deeper into the mysteries of Limbo, introducing new characters, unexpected twists, and even more suspense. Readers can look forward to a thrilling continuation of Chase’s journey, with secrets hinted at in the first book coming to light.

This instalment will significantly focus on men’s mental health, tackling the harmful stigma that men should suffer in silence. It will explore the harrowing themes of grief, mental health struggles, and the silent suffering many men endure. The narrative aims to shed light on the severe impact of bottling up emotions and the importance of breaking this damaging cycle. 

Through this book, I hope to convey that it’s not only okay but crucial to cry, to talk about your feelings, and to seek support when you’re struggling. Men should know they’re not alone, and there’s immense strength in reaching out and speaking up. People genuinely want to listen and help.


How has your writing process evolved from the first book to the second?

My writing process has become more structured and disciplined. The experience of writing the first book has been an invaluable teacher, imparting lessons that I’m now applying to make the second book even better. I've discovered the importance of planning and outlining, which has brought a newfound clarity and direction to my work. 

The process of drafting chapters has become more fluid, allowing me to delve deeper into character development and weave more intricate plots. Likewise, I've learned to embrace the editing phase with open arms, seeing it not as a chore but as an opportunity to refine and polish my story. Each draft brings me closer to the vision I hold in my mind, and this structured approach has not only improved the quality of my writing but also made the entire process more enjoyable and fulfilling.


Do you have any advice for aspiring writers who are looking to publish their first book?

The journey of writing and publishing your first book is indeed a magical one, filled with highs and lows, much like a fantastical adventure. My advice to you, dear aspiring writers, is to stay persistent and keep writing, even when the path seems fraught with challenges. Believe in your story and your characters, for they are the heart and soul of your creation.

Embrace the process of seeking feedback and making revisions. It’s through this alchemical process that your manuscript will transform into a polished gem. Remember, every great writer has faced moments of doubt and countless revisions, but it’s their unwavering belief in their work that saw them through.

Publishing a book is a marathon, not a sprint. It requires patience, resilience, and a steadfast belief in yourself. Take inspiration from the greats, like J.K. Rowling and Stephen King, who faced numerous rejections before their works became beloved classics. Keep your eyes on the horizon, stay true to your vision, and know that every word you write brings you one step closer to your dream. The world is waiting for your story, so let your voice be heard!


What has been the most rewarding part of your journey as an author so far?

The most rewarding part of my journey as an author has been the profound connection I've forged with my readers. There's a certain magic in hearing how my book has impacted them, weaving its way into their lives and hearts. Knowing that my story has resonated with others is an incredible feeling and makes all the hard work worthwhile.

It's in the heartfelt messages, the shared experiences, and the moments when readers tell me how my characters have inspired them or provided solace during tough times. These connections remind me of the true power of storytelling—to touch lives, evoke emotions, and create a sense of community.

Each time a reader shares their thoughts or expresses how my book has moved them; it reaffirms my purpose as a writer. It’s a beautiful reminder that, despite the solitary nature of writing, we are never truly alone. Our words have the power to bridge gaps, heal wounds, and bring people together. That, to me, is the most rewarding part of this enchanting journey.

All my love, 

Shannen. xo






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